Friday, May 31, 2013

Fitbit One hikes to The Grotto

It was a great day, no, it was a wonderful Memorial Day this year of 2013. We celebrated our freedom as ventured south from Provo to a small town called, Payson. 

Directions to The Grotto trail
1. Heading south on I-15, take exit #250 for Payson
2. Go straight on Main Street until you reach 100 North
3. Turn left on 100 North, then drive up the hill
4. Turn right on 600 East driving past the Peteetneet Museum and Cultural Arts Center
5. Distance - from museum drive 7.7 miles up into the canyon along the Nebo Loop. You'll see a small, brown, sign titled, "Grotto Trail". 

There should be plenty of parking. From the sign the distance (one way) to The Grotto, and the Grotto Falls is 0.31 miles. There are several cook man-made bridges out of fallen trees. Ergo, you get to enjoy crossing the pretty river several times - it is awesome! I was unable to do a precise measurement; although, I would estimate the falls to be about twenty feet tall. There water was cool on May 27th, 2013, but with the Utah sun shinning the cool water is a nice sensation even if the hike is less than one mile...

There are several other hikes you can venture on around the Nebo Loop drive. Several more miles up after you pass the Grotto Trail entrance there is the Mt. Loafer hike

Resource Links
Utah Outdoor Activites

If you prefer the non-Tuscan filter video, here's the original version...

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